The neighbor makes the stage and dances / 2016

Art Album side A: Existence "The neighbor makes the stage and dances"
@Fujisawa City Art Space, 2 July - 31 July 2016

In this world, the interpretation spreads innumerably depending on how you look at it, the environment and society, and even if you live in a common world, different worlds are spread in us. Sad things, fun things, painful things, war, festivals, pollution, someone’s growth, death, birth, money making, things happen simultaneously at this moment, we are relative to the world around them Have relationships, are intertwined in complexity, and sometimes things that go beyond the scope of their understanding may be intervened and stirred. I think that this work county is thought to be like a book that put together a number of short stories. Each piece of work has a different perspective and captures the world, and some of these are the ones that I have presented as a work with a world view that people possess through dialogue with others. How is each one of the worlds in us interpreted in this common world and in relation to the world of others?

この世界は見方や捉え方、環境や社会によってその解釈は無数に広がり、共通の世界に生きていたとしても、私達の中にはそれぞれ違った世界が広がっています。悲しい事、楽しい事、辛い事、戦争、お祭り、汚染、誰かの成長、死、誕生、お金儲け、色々な事がこの瞬間に同時多発的に起こり、私達はその周りに広がる世界と相対的な関係を持ち、複雑に絡み合い、時に自分の理解の範疇を超えたモノが介入し撹拌される事もあるでしょう。 この作品郡は、幾つもの短編小説をまとめた本の様なものだと思ってもらえたらと思います。一つ一つの作品は視点を変えて世界を捉えたものあり、またこの中の幾つかは、他者との対話を通して、人が持つ世界観を私が作品として提示したものです。私達の中に広がる一人一人の世界は、共通するこの世界、そして他者の世界との関係の中でどのように解釈されるのでしょうか。