Medium / Media and expression

Throughout its history, ART has developed through a variety of mediums while creating expressions that reflect society and culture. Impressionism benefited from tube paint, the advent of photography changed the meaning of painting, and the advent of video and electronic devices changed the viewing experience itself.

Media is supposed to be the plural of medium and a general term for materials, but for some reason we think that the word “media” refers to cameras, audiovisual equipment, and various other electrical devices. Paper, cloth, stone, and wood are also types of media, and each material has its own unique properties and the characteristics it gives to humans.

For example, if a certain concept is expressed using different materials, each will give a different feeling to the viewer. I want you to imagine a text sent by email and a letter written on paper. Even if the content is the same, the person receiving it will have a different feeling. We combine the tactile and visual elements contained in the expressed material with the verbal expression to convey a message to the receiver.

I use various media. This is because each medium, whether paper or video equipment, gives a different feeling to the viewer. Each time, I choose materials that have a strong impact on the viewer’s senses and are effective, and use them in my works. In order to reach the viewer’s senses directly.


 ART はその歴史の中で、社会や文化を反映する表現を創り出すと同時に、様々なメディウムよって発展してきた。印象派はチューブ絵の具の恩恵を受け、写真の登場により絵画の意味が変わり、ビデオや電子ディバイスの登場は鑑賞体験そのものを変えてきた。

 メディアはメディウムの複数形であり素材の総称であるはずだが、何故か私たちは カメラや映像音響機器、その他様々な電気デバイスを「メディア」という言葉が指し示すと考える。紙や布、石や木もメディアの1つでありその素材が持つ、また人間に与える特性がそれぞれに違う。

